Download file onto remote server mac

In this article, we will show you how to upload a local directory to remote Linux server or download remote directory to local machine using sFTP in Linux.

I removed space on either side of the : It now appears to download but I don't see anything on my desktop. Questions on Stack Overflow are expected to relate to programming within the scope defined by the community. Browse Search. Ask a question. User profile for user: njtreehugger njtreehugger. Question: Q: Question: Q: using scp to copy files from remote server to mac from a newbie Hi am a new poster to this forum and getting re acquainted with the unix world using terminal on the Mac.

I am part of webteam for a large website run by a nonprofit where I have administrative access. I hope that this forum is the correct venue for my question. The other day I used terminal tsch to logg onto a remote server where I have admin privaleges. One of the other admins and I were in the process of experimenting with using either rsync or scp to "backup" the server. We are experimenting with different backup strategies over and above those supplied by our web host.

For example, I only got MB onto my Mac in one hour normally takes about 6 mintues to download a MB file from the internet I tried to kill the job by doing: ctrl -z ls ps kill scp pid This did not work.

Oh, before running scp, I did try rsync and it did not work. Unfortunately, I had not set my terminal session to an unlimited buffer size, so the early part of my session rolled off the terminal screen. This means I have no idea what the error was. This morning the other admin was performing some backups on the remote server and noticed that there was a an unexplained directory on the remote server named: mymacuserid It had what he called some rpms.

Due to the ubiquitousness of email, it's still the default method for file sharing, despite its obvious flaws and constraints. Few people know that their Mac has native file sharing functionality built-in. If you only want to share specific folders, add them to the Shared Folders list. If you only want specific users to access the folder, add them to its Users list. Otherwise, everyone will be able to access it. Although not the most reliable solution, AirDrop works fine for occasional sharing a file between Apple devices.

As soon as you see the receiver's user icon, drag the desired file onto it to send. Read more about how to use AirDrop. If you don't want to send files Mac-to-Mac directly but rather through a cloud storage, there is no easier way than Dropshare. The app works with numerous cloud providers, from Dropbox to Google Drive, and saves your files for sharing by simply dragging them onto its menu bar icon. The most technical but also the most robust way to share files from your Mac is to use FTP, which you could do either through Terminal or an FTP Client, the latter being much more user friendly.

There are a few popular FTP clients one could choose from. The robust file managing app ForkLift covers most of the FTP functionality but takes it to the next level and could be a viable replacement for the Finder altogether with its quick search, instant previews, and file comparison. DCommander is another full-featured file transfer app for Mac that combines speed and reliability, able to handle thousands of files, schedule backups, and even automate transfers.

At last, when it comes to sharing the same files on different devices, an app like ChronoSync Express becomes invaluable. ChronoSync Express is a powerful tool for sharing and transferring files from Mac to Mac, or any other Apple device.

With a feature called Synchronizer Document, you can select which files need to be automatically synchronized and shared between devices, just like that:. Replace [UserName] with your own Windows username. Each RSA fingerprint is added on a new line. This allows you to clear them easily by deleting an entire line at once if you ever need to remove an entry. Navigate to the location you specified in your SCP command and the file should be visible.

SCP is the most direct way to transfer files from remote servers to local systems. It makes use of the same SSH protocols, so the connection is encrypted all the way through, making it immune to man-in-the-middle attacks. Hopefully, this tutorial will help you use it in an efficient, and easy manner.


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