Author : Mary K. Baxter Publisher: Whitaker House Format: PDF, Mobi Release: Language: en View This book is a reminder that each of us needs to accept the miracle of salvation before it is too late—and to intercede for those who do not yet know Christ. Author : Evang. You can be among those who receive healing today! The final book of the Bible, Revelation prophesies the ultimate judgement of mankind in a series of allegorical visions, grisly images and numerological predictions.
According to these, empires will fall, the "Beast" will be destroyed and Christ will rule a new Jerusalem. With an introduction by Will Self. The ministry of angels is part of our inheritance as believers. Yet, many are not receiving full benefit of their ministry because they don't know how to activate it on their behalf. From my interaction with today's Christians, very few have seen or encountered angelic visitations.
Many of them are not even aware of angelic presence or don't even know that they can be around them. This is because there are fewer teachings about angels and many Christians are never taught how to engage walk and work with angels in the first place. In this publication, Apostle Frequency Revelator hands over the keys to activating the ministry of angels in your life, church, business or any human endeavour.
This book breeds a powerful revelation and insight on how to activate the work of angels in your life. The truth is that multitudes of people are trapped in a debilitating morass of poverty, lack, financial constraints and faces difficulties in their lives, ministries, marriages and carriers because they are not involving angels in what they are doing.
God has released battalions of angels to help us but if we are ignorant of their presence or existence, we will not access all the help we need. Read this book and tap into the realm of walking with angels and have all blessings of God manifested in your life. The reading of this revelation will culminate in the following realities in your life: -It will cause you to be sensitive to angelic presence-It will launch into a deeper angelic realm whereby you shall walk and talk with angels as if they are your friends.
Sent by God In this intriguing book, Roland Buck describes his personal encounters with angels and what the Bible tells us about these messengers of God. Read how God uses angels to Did you know that it is possible to visit heaven and see who is living up there? Do you know that if you have a great relationship with Jesus, and if God has a purpose for it, that people who are living in heaven can come down to earth and visit you and spend time with you?
He proceeded to sing the songs on the film and dance in the room with Matthew. Soon, through multiple visits, Matthew grew to know Michael fairly well. In April , Michael got Matthew out of bed and with the help of God's Spirit, did a three-hour interview with Matthew. It was a divine revelation of heaven and more. Why don't you read this message and spend some time to see what Michael has to say about: What heaven is like What he is doing up there What Jesus is really like The keys to a happy life and What true love looks like.
Jesus wants you to read this message, and Michael wants to speak to you, so what are you waiting for? When we were graced on this earth with the people's princess, Lady, Diana, the world was a brighter place.
The world just seemed a whole lot more hopeful when she was here. Tragedy struck on that fateful day when she was taken from us so early in her life. In the past few years, Matthew Robert Payne has been receiving visits from Diana in spiritual visions. To mark the twentieth anniversary of her death, Jesus Christ has commissioned him to interview her and bring her answers to people in this short book. This book will answer such questions as: What are you doing in heaven?
It explores the deeper realms of the spirit realm which Paul described in prophetic language as something inexpressible for man to tell. It brings you to a point whereby you are more open and knowledge about the things of Heaven. On that note, welcome to the world whereby it's naturally supernatural to live, function and operate in the realm of the spirit. The biblical truths and principles in the Spiritual Warfare Self-Study Bible Course show you step-by-step the nature of the spiritual realm and how to effectively defeat the enemy.
Be encouraged! God has provided everything you need to live in victory. It is worth exploring the divine truth that there are laws and principles that God has put in place by which He governs the universe. For example, there is a law of gravity which stipulates that if you throw an object up in the air, it will evidently crash back onto the earth; the law of floatation which allows ships and boats to float on water, the law of aerodynamics that enables aeroplanes to fly and the law of electricity which helps us generate heat and light energy.
The reality is that when we operate in obedience to these physical laws within nature, we reap positive results but when we violate them, the repercussions are severe.
However, as much as there are physical laws, there are also spiritual laws which are the highest class of laws governing and controlling the entire universe. In the spiritual realm, God has established a court system with laws, principles and divine protocols which functions just like the court system of the natural realm.
Just like physical laws, when we corporate with these spiritual laws, we reap alarming results but when we violate them, we face the consequences. It's a pity that most people do not understand the operation of these divine laws and protocols, which explains why the devil ends taking advantage of their ignorance, thus gaining a legal foothold that grants him the right to ensnare them into debilitating circumstances of poverty, sickness and defeat. There are certain principles that one can tap into in order to walk into the deeper realities of God's power.
Just like there are laws of gravity which governs how to operate in the natural realm, there are also spiritual laws that govern the spirit realm or how to operate in the realm of the miraculous. These laws of the supernatural complement each other and are progressions to enter into the greater depths of God. Each of these laws has a specific manifestation that produces something special.
However, it is unfortunate that many believers are failing to operate in the realm of the miraculous because they do not understand spiritual laws and principles which they could take advantage of to generate positive results. Spiritual laws and principles are therefore vital keys that unlock the doors into the supernatural and accentuate an avenue through which the power of God can flow.
It is a typical scenario in the body of Christ that so many people have the power but they do not know how to release it. Having the power is one thing and knowing how to tap into the realm of God to release that power is a completely different reality. In the church of Jesus Christ today, God has invested upon believers' tremendous, overwhelming and explosive power and authority but that power is not released as it should because of lack of understanding of spiritual laws and principles governing the realm of the spirit.
They have the exousia power but they are not realizing how to tap, activate and exercise it. Failure to tap into the realm of power is what is allowing their homes to be plundered by the enemy without taking authority against it just like Adam allowed the serpent to tempt Eve and deceive her in his presence. It has been noted that a lot of Christians are allowing Satan to dominate their lives and wreak havoc in their families while they are busy crying to God for help.
Learning how to tap into the set spiritual laws and principles is therefore vital in birthing forth supernatural manifestations of God's power. You are definitely guaranteed to launch into the greater depths of the miraculous if these spiritual laws and principles are correctly applied, practised and activated. Author : Apostle Frequency Revelator Publisher: ISBN: Category: Page: View: Read Now » In order to fully comprehend the legal rights and privileges bequeathed upon us as believers in Christ, it is important that we first understand the spiritual legal realm, and its spiritual laws, principles and protocols which grants believers the prerogative to function in God's legal spiritual system that determines their rights and privileges This publication explores spiritual laws and principles which form the basis of which cases, petitions, prayers, renditions and supplications are handled in the spirit realm.
It provides a clear road map that reveals the identity of a believer and causes him to understand clearly how to function in God's spiritual legal system which determines their rights and privileges.
It explores the identity of a believer, what his rights are and what is available for him to partake of. While every nation has a constitution that stipulates or spells out the bill of rights for its citizens, the Bible is our constitution encapsulated with divine rights and privileges for every believer in Christ. In order to partake of these blessings of God, every believer should be awakened to their identity in Christ and the reality of who they are in God.
Knowing your identity and who you are will give you boldness to partake of what is rightfully and legitimately yours. Knowing your purpose breeds confidence on what God says you are, what He says you have and what He says you can do. Understanding who you are in God in terms of your legal rights and privileges will determine how much of the blessings you can receive from Him.
This is what God expect you to do as a heavily armed warrior in His kingdom. Every believer is engaged in a three-front war against the devil, the world system and his own flesh whether or not we are aware of it.. The battlefield is in the spirit realm yet the outcome of these spiritual battles have an effect on the destinies of people in the natural realm.
This battle takes place in the invisible spiritual realm where the stage is set and battle lines have already been drawn against us by demonic forces. It is a battle waged against us by Satan and his diabolical cohorts of the dark world. If you are to live a victorious life and prevail in these trying times in which we live, it is imperative that you learn how to engage in spiritual warfare lest you fall prey to the whims and vagaries of the devil.
Sadly, today there is near universal paucity in practice in understanding of matters of spiritual warfare as dozens are of believers are still sailing their boats through shallow streams of spiritual understanding where spiritual warfare is concerned.
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